Some weeks ago we explained how to disable unwanted Credential Providers completly.
Aloaha Credential Provider Filter
In some cases Credential Providers should be hidden from the Logon User Interface BUT still usable from within the session. For example somone might not want to see the Username/Password Tile during logon but obviously still requires it when mounting a network drive or connecting via RDP to another machine. In those case you cannot hide/disable the providers via windows group policy but a Credential Provider Filter is required.
Aloaha Smartlogin comes with an integrated Credential Provider Filter to be able to hide Tiles from the Windows Logon Interface WITHOUT removing its functionality inside the session.
To activate the Aloaha Credential Provider Filter the key CredentialProviderFilter in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aloaha\CP has to be set to 1
Adding filter for any credential provider is easy and straight forward. Just chreate in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aloaha\CP a key and give it as a name the CLSID of the Credential Provider to be hidden/filtered from the User Logon Interface. For example AC3AC249-E820-4343-A65B-377AC634DC09 for the WinBio Credential Provider. To activate the new filter just give the key the value 1.
If you install Aloaha Smartlogin (Freeware for USB Memory Stick Logon) from you will find in its installation folder (typically <program files>\wrocklage) the file z Set Aloaha Key to Activate Filter.reg. If you import that file it will filter out a number of pre-defined tiles.