Aloaha Smartlogin contains a Credential Provider for Windows Vista/7/8/2008/2012 and a Gina for older windows. It supports many different ways to logon a user to the windows session.
Active Directory is supported but NOT required!
The most popular way of using Aloaha Smartlogin without Active directory is with “any Smartcard natively supported by Windows or 3rd party middleware” as explained in
Now we introduced new registry settings to allow the user to maintain one central, server based CredentialStore.
If you point the Registry Key: ”HKLM\Software\<Wow6432Node\>Aloaha\CSP\ForcedCredentialStore” to a share in your network Aloaha will copy automatically all files from that network store to the local machines credential store (<installdir>\CredentialStore) whenever the user logs on.
Many important settings are saved in the local file UserPass.ini. If you point ”HKLM\Software\<Wow6432Node\>Aloaha\CSP\MasterUserPassIni” to a file this file will be automatically copied to the file defined in ”HKLM\Software\<Wow6432Node\>Aloaha\CSP\UserPassIni” (Usually <installdir>\UserPass.ini)
Please dot not hesitate to contact us at in case you need further and personal assistance.